Spice was a 36 inch Minature horse.
I remember her really well because she bucked me off a lot. But I remember still loving to ride her. I also remember the lady we got her from coming over and telling her friends that that was her pony and that she could take her back at any time because we were leasing her. That was not true as we had a contract saying that we paid $35 for her but if we ever wanted to get rid of her or sell her we had to give her for free back to her old owner. This lady was crazy she sent us a letter one time telling us that she would come and get the pony on such and such a date no matter what. She even tried to cut our fence. I just read some nasty letters she wrote my mom and me. What could I do I was only in between 3 and 5. I also just read the original contract. We were in the right to keep her. After that my mom would never lease a horse, even though we weren't really leasing her. When I had out grown her and we weren't using her anymore we tracked her X-owner down, who was now living in Texas, many states away. We upheld our part of the contract by returning her.

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