My Previous Horses
(Click on the picture to see more on Spice)
(Click on the picture to see more on Daisy)
(Click on the picture to see more on Smokey)
(Click on the picture to see more on Joey)
(Click on the picture to see more on Lady)
Missy Firefly
(Click on the picture to see more on Fire)
Classical Jazz
(Click on the picture to see more on Jazz)
Tiffrum Allouette
(Click on the picture to see more on Allou)
Irish Elegance
(Click on the picture to see more on Ellie)
(Click on the picture to see more on Alibi)
Zan Parr KitCat Bar
(Click on the picture to see more on Kit)
RF No Regrets
(Click on the picture to see more on JB)
(Click on the picture to see more on Dewey)
Missy Firefly
My mom and my sister also share a horse named Fire. She is 15 hands and 26 years old. I have worked with her off an on throughout my life, but we never really clicked. I always thought she was to easy, but in the same sense she was to rubber necked(she is Arab/QH). I did take her to a few shows and we always placed well, if I did enough classes I alway ended up with High Point or Reserve High Point. I taught her Flying changes when she was 23, and started working on Dressage stuff with her, before my sister started riding her. Now my sister just rides her, and I get on her when she is bad. Or occasionally I will get on and ride her around the pasture without a bridle or halter.
This is a picture of Fire when she was young.
This is a picture of Fire wearing her fly mask in our back yard about 1994.
This is Fire and I at the first show I showed her in. This was the first time I had shown english, and I had never taken lessons. I was very proud because I was showing against a lot of other kids who had taken lots of lessons, and most didn't know their diagnals, which I knew. I don't remember how I knew them, I think someone told me, and I learned how to feel it or see it early on. Fire can be a hard horse even still for me to feel my diagnals on, or even see them sometimes, she is really smooth. She is the only horse that really could stump me.